Building Homes for Coffee Workers in Honduras and Colombia

Building Homes for Coffee Workers in Honduras and Colombia  image




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In many countries, coffee workers are laboring in difficult conditions for very low wages, with work and pay oftentimes only available in season, leaving them struggling to provide for their families. As we meet these desperate, hard-working families, we learn about their stories and dreams. It is this personal knowledge of each family that motivates us to work hard on their behalf.

The coffee industry in Honduras and Colombia is a very unique culture within itself. While there are other countries that surpass Honduras and Colombia in production, they accomplish this with machines, able to do so because the terrain allows. In the mountainous coffee regions of Honduras and Colombia, the beans continue to be picked by hand. Many coffee workers today come from a family that have worked harvesting and producing coffee for generations. These finca owners and workers form a very tight-knit community resembling a family more often than just a business. When building homes, we take a very local approach by partnering with farm owners and processors who know the needs of their workers. This assures us of a successful outcome. Together, we oversee a personal and caring process of building the home, and making sure the work is done properly and cost effectively. Our experienced Honduran and Colombian staff oversee the entire process.

DwellingsNow partners with coffee shops, roasters, individuls in the coffee industry, or those who just simply love coffee to build homes for those who produce the coffee we enjoy!

Thank you for your generous donation that will help the long awaited dream of a home come true for a coffee worker family!