Reyes Marquez Family - Blackwood Builders, LLC - March 2025 Build
The Reyes Marquez Family’s current home.
José is 52 years old and Glenis is 40 years old. They’ve been married for over 8 years. they have 2 children in common: Isaac is 5 years old; he is in kindergarten and Isaí is 4 1/2 years old. Glenis has 2 more children, one from her 1st marriage: Gerson is 20 years old. Gerson started working when he started his 1st grade. He studied and worked at the same time to pay for his studies. He started working as a bag packer at a supermarket. Gerson was able to finish his 12th grade and currently works as a shelves displayer for the same supermarket. Glenis has a daughter from her 2nd marriage: Fanny is 11 years old; she is in 6th grade. Fanny was just 3 years old when her dad abandoned her and Glenis. Glenis’ parents separated when she was just 5 years old. Glenis’ mom got sick; she had dementia. Glenis’ dad couldn’t handle her mom’s situation, so he abandoned her mom, her and her 3 siblings. For a couple of years, Glenis lived with one of her aunts and a couple of years later, she moved with her grandma. Glenis was 11 years old when she moved back with her dad. Glenis was 13 years old when her dad told her that she needed to start working to bring income to the house. She moved to another city to start working as a cook helper at a dining place. The lady that she worked for, offered to help her with her studies. She worked for her for 1 year. A couple of years later, the lady had no more work for her, so Glenis started working at a clothing factory for about 2 years. Glenis married at 16 years old. She stopped working at the clothing factory and started working selling products such as make up, lotions, body lotions, etc., which allowed her to be more at home. She was married to her 1st husband for about 6 years. He used to work as a builder, but he wasn’t a responsible husband/dad. He abandoned Glenis when Gerson was just 2 years old. Glenis decided to moved to Roatan to find a better job opportunity and to give Gerson a better life. She started working as a housekeeper for a hotel, but she continue selling make up, body lotions, underwear and other small products to get as much income as possible. She worked as a housekeeper until she met José. Currently, Glenis stays at home. She sells chips and sodas. She does everything she can to support Jose. Glenis says she makes around $125 monthly out of her sales. Glenis didn’t have the opportunity to go to school due to her childhood situation, She decided to start studying when she was an adult; she finished her 6th grade when she was 29 years old. José was able to attend only up to 1/2 of 6th grade. José’s parents worked as farmers and barely made enough to feed him and his 3 siblings and to send them to school. So, José stopped studying to start helping his dad alongside his sibling work growing corn, beans, rice. José was 18 years old when he moved to Roatán. He had no friends or family in Roatán, but decided to move to the island to look for a better job opportunity to help his parents. He started working for someone who owned cows and a couple of properties for sale. He would work milking the cows and also doing the lawn and building fences in the different properties. A couple of years later, he started working as janitor for a hotel, he did this work for around 10 years. Currently, José works as a construction helper; he makes around $18 per day. Glenis says that José has been more than a stepfather to Gerson and Fanny. He treats and loves them just as much as he loves Isaac and Isaí. Glenis and José work as hard as they can to support their family and to give their children a better and more stable life than the one they both had growing up. This beautiful family dreams of providing their children a safe and comfortable place to live in. They need our help. Let’s build a home for Jose, Glenis and their children.
Dwellings is a charity that is committed to building homes and changing lives
by providing shelter and hope for recipient families as well as a life changing experience for those involved in the building process.
Your involvement will make a lasting difference in the lives of those who live in difficult living conditions.
By making a donation you will help provide a new start for a grateful family.